Sunday, July 7, 2013

The analogy of play dough

At EFY ( Especially For Youth)
Our group did an analogy challenge I guess you could say. 
Each one of us had to come up with an analogy and mine was a play dough one... 
Now imagine when you were born you are handed a piece of spiritual play dough. During your life you mould it though the winds and the sun are trying to dry it out these represent the trials that we will face during our life time. 
We have to keep working on it no matter what, until the last day when you can present the shape or masterpiece that you have moulded to Christ, only he can judge what you have worked on your whole life. He will be the one to say where you go in the next life! 
I don't know it's just something that I liked a lot! And I just thought I should share it. Because even though I have a ton of stuff that I have to work through I still have to keep moulding my masterpiece. I can't stop. Even though there are days when I want to be done. I have to work through the trials that He has given me when I need help then I have my friends and family  to help me out when I need it. 
I just loved this analogy so much it's helped me understand a lot of stuff. I'm so grateful for EFY  it's the best it taught me a ton of things! All the people have changed my life and I'm so grateful for them! I hope they know that! 
¡Corazones de hombres para siempre!



  1. Thank you Katie...I now have FHE for tomorrow :)

  2. I was thinking the same thing! I appreciate you sharing your story with us. You are an amazing young lady! Our prayers are with you.
